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The Complete Amazon Seller Guide for Beginners

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The Complete Amazon Seller Guide for Beginners

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Welcome to the world of selling on Amazon, where dreams of running your own online business can become a reality! This Amazon seller guide is designed for those who want to sell on Amazon but lack proper knowledge. In this blog, we will guide you step-by-step, from creating your account to making your first sale, and ultimately growing your business on Amazon. Let's dive in and make your Amazon seller journey smooth and successful.

Create Seller Account on Amazon

Step 1: Registration To initiate the process, visit or and proceed with creating your seller account. If you already hold a customer account on or Prime Video, you can use the same email and password. Alternatively, if you do not have a customer account, you can create a new seller account by selecting 'Create your Amazon account'.

Step 2: GST Verification Enter your business' GST number and verify it with an OTP during the registration process. If your products fall under GST-exempt categories, you may not be required to provide this information. In such cases, you can simply select the option indicating that you only sell tax-exempted products. However, if your products do not fall under GST-exempt categories, you will need to apply for GST and complete the registration at a later stage.

Step 3: Store Name Choose a unique store name to represent your business on and make your store stand out to customers.

Step 4: Pickup Address Provide the pickup address from which Amazon will collect product shipments for customer orders. It's important to ensure that the pickup address is located in the same state that the GST is registered in.

Step 5: Shipping Method Select your preferred shipping method from the three options offered by Amazon:

  • Easy Ship: Store and pack your orders at your pickup location, and Amazon will pick up and deliver them to your customers.
  • Self Ship: Store, pack, and ship your products yourself, or utilize third-party services for product delivery.

Step 6: Bank Account Details Enter the details of your business's active bank account, as this is where you will receive payments from Amazon.

Step 7: Product Listing Enter the details of the products you wish to sell on Amazon, including photos, descriptions, and prices. At least one product listing must be completed to launch your store on

Step 8: Launch Store and Start Selling Upon completing the product listings, click on the 'Start selling' button to make your store live. This will allow your products to be available to a vast customer base on

Listing Your Products

To start selling your product on, you first need to list it on Keep one thing in mind a successful listing equals a successful launch.

To make your products visible on, you need to list them from your Seller Central account in one of these ways:

1. Search and Match products or scan the product barcode or ISBN using the Seller App.

2. Upload products details in bulk using standard and custom upload templates.

3. Create a new listing by uploading product images and required details one by one.

When creating a new listing, the following details are required:

  • Title: Capitalize every word, limit to 200 characters, and include relevant keywords.
  • Description: Incorporate relevant keywords in the description to enhance the discoverability of your listing.
  • Colored Images: Use images with dimensions of 500 x 500 pixels or 1,000 x 1,000 pixels to enhance the quality of your listing. Preferred formats are JPEG (.jpg) and TIFF (.tif).
  • Variations: Include variations such as different colors, scents, or sizes.
  • Featured Offer: This is the primary offer displayed on the detail page.
  • Other Offers: Multiple sellers may offer the same product with different prices, shipping options, etc.

    Optimizing Product Listing

    Making your product stand out on Amazon involves optimizing your product listings. This means tweaking your product information to get more people to visit your page and buy your stuff. It's like giving your product a boost on Amazon's search engine, also known as Amazon SEO.

    Why is it so important? Well, there are a whopping 200 million products on! That's a lot of competition. So, by optimizing your listing, you're making sure your product gets noticed in this sea of options.

    Now, let's talk about what makes your product rank higher:

    • Product titles
    • Product descriptions
    • Optimized images
    • Product features
    • Competitive pricing

    Follow these steps to optimize above factors

    Step 1: Find the Right Words

    To make your product stand out on Amazon, start by picking the right words that people use when searching. Here's how:

    • Type different words in the Amazon search box and see what pops up.
    • Check out what words your competitors are using.
    • Look at Amazon's suggestions for more ideas.
    • Make a list of both short and long words that describe your product. Short ones are general, and long ones are specific. Both are important for helping people find your stuff.

    Step 2: Make a Great Title

    The title is super important because it's the first thing people see. Follow these tips:

    • Make sure your title matches what's on your product's packaging.
    • Don't use weird symbols like Æ, ©, or ®.
    • Use numbers instead of spelling them out.
    • Keep your title short, around 60 characters.
    • Follow the rules for your product category.
    • Don't use all capital letters. Only the first letter of each word should be big.
    • Start the title with your brand name.
    • Keep it simple – only include what's necessary to describe your item.
    • Skip things like "Hot Item" or "Best Seller."
    • You can use symbols like hyphens, slashes, commas, and periods.
    • Shorten measurements like "cm," "oz," "in," and "kg."

    Step 3: Describe Your Product Well

    When writing about your product, give detailed info about its features and how to use it. Use high-quality descriptions to help customers decide if they want to buy it. Here are some tips:

    • Include brand names.
    • Add sizes, like shoe size.
    • Mention material type, such as canvas.
    • Talk about important details like colors, packaging, and quantity.

    Make sure you follow the rules for listing quality and check the product listing guidelines for any specific rules.

    Step 4: Highlight Key Features

    The key features or bullet points play a big role in how your product shows up in searches. These points should be clear and helpful, making it easy for customers to decide if they want to buy your product. Here's how to do it:

    • Use up to five bullet points.
    • Keep them short, under 1,000 characters total.
    • Reinforce info from the title and description.
    • Highlight five key features, like dimensions, age appropriateness, and more.
    • Keep the same order for all products.
    • Start each point with a capital letter.
    • Write with sentence fragments and no ending punctuation.
    • Don't include promotions or prices.

    Step 5: Show Your Product with Great Images

    Good pictures help customers see your product better. Having multiple images showing different angles can make a big difference. Follow these tips:

    • You need at least one image, but six images and one video are ideal.
    • Make sure your images are clear, informative, and good-looking.
    • Use a white background and fill most of the image space.
    • Go for 500 x 500 or 1000 x 1000 pixels for better quality.

    Step 6: Use Smart Keywords

    Keywords are words that help your product get discovered. Even though customers don't see them, they're crucial for Amazon to know what your product is about. Here's what to do:

    • Include generic words.
    • Add synonyms, abbreviations, and alternative names.
    • Stay under the 250-byte limit.
    • Put phrases in a logical order.
    • Use lowercase letters and no punctuation.
    • Separate words with spaces.
    • Avoid repeating words.
    • Skip common words like "a" or "the.", "and," "by," "for," "of," "the," "with," and so on.
    • Use singular or plural, not both

    Step 7: Price Your Product Right

    How much you charge for your product matters. It can affect how many people buy it. Here's what to consider:

    • Think about shipping costs and maybe offer free shipping.
    • Check what others are charging.
    • Try testing different prices to see what works best for your product.

    Delivering Your Products 

    Amazon gives you three options which you can use to deliver your products to customer

    1. Easy Ship
    2. Self Ship
    3. Amazon FBA

    Easy Ship

    With Easy Ship, Amazon picks up your packaged product from where you are and delivers it to the buyer. Here's why it's a good choice:

    • Quick and safe delivery on
    • You keep control of your products with no storage cost.
    • Amazon handles customer service and returns.
    • You can use your own packaging.

    Self Ship

    With Self Ship, you take charge of storing, packing, and delivering your products using a third-party carrier or your delivery associates. Here's what's good about it:

    • You have full control over your business.
    • Use your own resources for operations.
    • Pay only closing and referral fees to
    • Get the Prime badge in your area with Local Shops on Amazon and get discovered.

    Fulfillment by Amazon (Amazon FBA)

    With Amazon FBA, you send your products to Amazon, and they handle everything else – packing, delivering, and even customer queries. Here are the benefits:

    • Offer unlimited free and fast deliveries.
    • Store your products in Amazon’s centers, and they take care of everything.
    • Amazon manages customer service and returns.
    • You become eligible for Prime.

    Understanding Amazon Selling Fees

    When you start receiving orders on Amazon, you ship them to customers using your preferred shipping method. However, for every sale you make, Amazon deducts a portion of it as selling fees. These fees can vary based on factors such as the product category, price, and the fulfillment method you choose.

    Types of Amazon Selling Fees

    1. Referral Fee (based on Category)
    2. Closing Fee (based on Price)
    3. Weight Handling Fee (Shipping Fee)
    4. Other Fees

    Referral Fee (based on Category)

    For every product you sell, a referral fee applies, which is determined by the product category. It is calculated as a percentage of the total selling price.

    The formula to calculate the total referral fees is: Item price x Referral Fee percentage.

    For instance, if you sell a book for ₹450 and the referral fee percentage for books is 4%, the referral fees would amount to ₹450 x 4% = ₹18.

    Closing Fee (based on Price)

    The closing fee is charged each time your product is sold on Amazon and is based on the price range of the product. This fee can also vary depending on the fulfillment channel you utilize.

    Calculation of Closing Fees:

    For Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) orders:

    Total Closing Fees = Fees based on item price & category

    Here's an example: If you sell books priced at ₹200 (falling under the ₹0-250 price range exception list for books), the closing fee would be ₹12.

    Item Price Range (INR) All Categories
    Categories with exception
    ₹ 0 - 250 ₹ 25 ₹ 12*
    ₹ 251 - 500 ₹ 20 ₹ 12**
    ₹ 501 - 1000 ₹ 18 ₹ 18
    ₹ 1000+ ₹ 40 ₹ 70***


    Easy Ship & Self Ship Closing Fees

    Total Closing Fees are calculated based on the item price. For instance, if you are selling books at ₹200 with Easy Ship, the closing fees would amount to ₹5.

    Item Price Range (INR) Fixed Closing Fee
    Easy Ship Prime only
    Standard Easy Ship
    ₹ 0 - 250 ₹ 3
    ₹ 251 - 500 ₹ 6
    ₹ 501 - 1000 ₹ 30
    ₹ 1000+ ₹ 5
    Easy Ship Prime only
    ₹ 0 - 250 ₹ 8
    ₹ 251 - 500 ₹ 12
    ₹ 501 - 1000 ₹ 30
    ₹ 1000+ ₹ 56


    Self Ship

    Item Price Range (INR)
    Fixed Closing Fee
    ₹ 0 - 250 ₹ 7
    ₹ 251 - 500 ₹ 20
    ₹ 501 - 1000 ₹ 36
    ₹ 1000+ ₹ 65


    Weight Handling Fee (Shipping Fee)

    When you go with Easy Ship or Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), Amazon takes care of delivering your products to customers and charges a fee accordingly. However, if you opt for Self-Ship, you are responsible for the shipping costs and need to arrange delivery through a third-party courier service or your own delivery agents.

    Calculating Shipping Fees:

    FBA & Easy Ship Shipping Fees:

    To determine the total shipping fees, consider the fees based on the weight of the item and the distance it needs to travel. For example, if you ship a 700g book from Delhi to Chandigarh using FBA, the shipping or weight handling fees would amount to ₹57.

    Self-Ship: does not impose any shipping fees. It is your responsibility to manage the delivery process, either on your own or with the assistance of a courier partner whom you will directly pay for the delivery costs.

    Different fee rates apply based on the distance:

    • Local rate: Applicable when pickup and delivery occur within the same city, involving intra-city pickup and delivery.
    • Regional zone: Comprised of four regions. Regional rate applies if the shipment moves within the same region but not within the same city.
    • National rate: Applicable if the shipment moves across different regions.

    Easy Ship Weight Handling Fees (or Shipping Fees)

    Standard Size Local Regional National
    Upto 500 gms ₹44 ₹53 ₹74
    Each additional 500 gms (upto 1kg) ₹13 ₹17 ₹25
    Each additional kg after 1kg ₹21 ₹27 ₹33
    Each additional kg after 5 kg ₹12 ₹13 ₹16
    Heavy & Bulky Items Local Regional National
    First 12 kgs ₹192 ₹277 ₹371
    Each additional kg after 12 kgs ₹5 ₹6 ₹12


    Fulfillment by Amazon Weight Handling Fees

    Standard Size Local Regional National IXD
    Upto 500 gms ₹44 ₹31 ₹40 ₹61 ₹46
    Each additional 500 gms (upto 1kg) ₹13 ₹17 ₹25 ₹20
    Each additional kg after 1kg ₹21 ₹27 ₹33 ₹28
    Each additional kg after 5 kg ₹12 ₹13 ₹16 ₹14
    Heavy & Bulky Items Local Regional National IXD
    First 12 kgs ₹88 ₹130.5 ₹177.5 NA
    Each additional kg after 12 kgs ₹2.5 ₹3 ₹6 NA

    Others Fees

    While most Amazon orders are subject to the three fees mentioned above, there are certain circumstances where you may encounter additional fees based on the Fulfillment Channel, program, or service you are utilizing. Here are some of the fees:

    Pick & Pack Fee (FBA Only)

    For each unit sold, a Pick & Pack Fee is applied. The fee amounts to ₹13 for Standard-sized items and ₹26 for Oversize, Heavy, and Bulky items.

    Storage Fee (FBA Only)

    If you store your products in the Amazon Fulfillment Center, a Storage Fee is charged. The fee is ₹45 per cubic foot per month.

    FBA Removal Fees (FBA Only)

    If you decide to remove your products from the Amazon Fulfillment Center, the following fee rates will be applicable:

    Measurement Standard Shipping
    Expedited Shipping
    Standard Size ₹10 ₹30
    Heavy & Bulky ₹100 ₹100


    Please note that the FBA Removal fee is applied on a per-unit basis. All the fees mentioned above are displayed without including taxes. Goods and Services Tax (GST) will be applied to these fees.

    Growing Your Business on Amazon

    • Give Great Customer Service: Provide excellent customer service by answering questions quickly and addressing concerns. Happy customers are more likely to leave good reviews and buy from you again.
    • Keep an Eye on Your Account: Check your Amazon seller account regularly to see how it's doing. Fix any problems quickly to keep your account healthy. This helps you be more visible and trustworthy on Amazon.
    • Try Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA): Joining FBA has lots of benefits, like fast shipping, easy returns, and reaching Amazon Prime customers. It makes your business run smoother and gives customers a better experience.
    • Use Amazon's Ads: Take advantage of Amazon's advertising tools to make more people see your brand. Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Display Ads can get your product out there, leading to more sales and recognition.
    • Sell Different Kinds of Products: Think about offering different types of products. This can help you reach more customers and make more money overall.
    • Automate Pricing: Use Amazon's Automate Pricing tool to set prices that keep you competitive. This not only helps you stay in the game but also makes your products more attractive to potential buyers.
    • Listen to Customers: Pay attention to what customers say about your products. Learn from their feedback, fix any issues, and keep making your products and services better. Good feedback builds trust, and even criticism can help you improve.
    • Use VPOB and APOB Solutions: Try VPOB services to reach more customers and deliver your products faster. It helps you get GST registered in different states, giving you access to more Amazon FCs, so you can deliver products quicker.


    Congratulations on embarking on your Amazon seller journey! This guide has equipped you with the essentials to kickstart your sales and navigate the Amazon marketplace successfully.

    Remember, focus on top-notch customer service, monitor your account health, and choose the right fulfillment method for your business—Easy Ship, Self Ship, or the convenient Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA).

    Optimize your product listings with smart keywords, compelling titles, and high-quality images. Manage Amazon's fees wisely to maximize your profits, and explore opportunities to diversify your product range.

    As you grow, leverage Amazon's advertising tools, listen to customer feedback, and consider VPOB and APOB solutions for faster deliveries. With dedication and strategic choices, your Amazon venture is set for success. Best of luck on your exciting journey!

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